Using the Flipbooks

The flipbooks work best when viewed on a computer. They also work on phones or tablets but they are not quite as easy to read or navigate on those devices. The tools presented to navigate the flipbooks may differ depending on the device you are using.

Document Controls

The flipbook documents have a table of Contents and automatically keep track of page numbering. Any line in the Contents pages can be clicked on to go directly to that page in the document. At the top of most pages there is a “Genealogy Tree” icon:

that when clicked on will return you to the Contents pages.

Green Glow

Whenever a page contains content that might have a link to additional material it will briefly display with a green glow. You may notice that when you are first displayed a new Contents page for example, it glows green to indicate that all of the lines in the Contents are clickable. If you hover over some content such as a book cover or a document and it glows green – that means you can click to open or move to that content.

Clickable Links to Additional Content

A page may contain links to content on the web. These are usually indicated by a web address that appears in blue text. If you click on such a link, you will go to that address on the web. When you leave there, you will return to the flipbook document.

Flipbook Controls

Full-Screen Button

Click on this to open the flipbook to the maximum size possible. Press the full-screen button (or ESC) to change back.

Arrow Buttons

Use arrow buttons to move forward or backwards in the document. Click on “>” to move forward a page or click on “<” to move backward a page. “<<” moves all the way back to the beginning of the document and “>>” moves all the way forward to the end of the document”.

Search Bar

Enter a name, a word or a phrase in the search bar. The search will scan the entire document looking for a match. Results will appear in a side menu that can be clicked on to navigate to a specific result. Click “X” to remove the search results menu.

Mouse Wheel or Finger

Use the mouse wheel to turn multiple pages faster – scroll the wheel forward to move many pages forward or scroll the wheel backward to move many pages backward. Or – use a finger gesture to scroll pages on a phone or tablet device.

Magnify Icon

Click the magnify icon to magnify a spot on a page. You can then use the mouse wheel to increase or decrease magnification or press the magnify icon again.

Page Number Indicator

Indicates the page number that is being displayed and the total number of pages in the flipbook. Enter a number directly in the box to move to that page. Press the “X” to reset.

Thumbnails Icon

Click on this to display page thumbnails. Navigate to a page by clicking the thumbnail for that page.

Autoflip Icon

This icon toggles automatic page flipping (every few seconds) On or Off.

Sound Icon

This icon toggles the page flipping sound On or Off.