Page 225 - Family History
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Oshkosh, WI – Historical Background
Excerpts from the book “OSHKOSH One Hundred Years a City” …
It is recorded that the first religious meeting to be held in Oshkosh, was in the
living room of the log house built by Webster Stanley in 1839.
It was at the Webster Stanley place too, that the first Board of Supervisors met on
May 1, 1843.
Another milestone in the history of the county was the first county election which
was held on the fourth Monday in September, 1844 at the Stanley house.
The mail route between Forts Howard and Winnebago crossed the river at this
point. The ferry was soon sold to Robert Grignon and William Powell and then to
James Knaggs. Webster Stanley operated it for a short time in 1836.
Webster Stanley, authorized by the Territorial Legislature in 1842 to maintain a
ferry for four years, had started operations near the site of the present C. & N.W.
Railroad bridge.