Page 231 - Family History
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               Description  Albumen print on cardstock of Webster Stanley.
               Year Range  1864

               Year range  1866
               Medium     Cardstock/Photographic Paper
               Neg #      4499
               Notes      Albumen print on cardstock, half seated view of Webster Stanley. Mr. Stanley is

                          photographed sitting in a large elaborately carved chair. He is wearing a dark colored suit
                          with a and vest, with a dark bowtie. He is holding a walking stick. Mr. Stanley is pictured
                          later in life. The image was mis-identified as Chester Gallup by the donor, but Gallup died

                          almost 20 years before this image was taken.

                          Webster Stanley (1798-1878) First white settler in what is now Oshkosh. Mr. Stanley was
                          born on Sept. 4, 1798, in Hartford, Connecticut, the son of George Stanley. He moved with
                          his father to Broome County, N. Y., in 1801, and then to Medford County, Ohio. In 1834,
                          He came to Green Bay, Wisconsin and worked for the Government moving supplies down

                          the Fox River from Green Bay to Fort Winnebago ( Portage, Wis.). Two years later he

                          found work in Neenah, Wisconsin, as a contractor in erecting a mill. That same year he
                          moved to the South side of the Fox River across from the present site of Riverside
                          Cemetery, what was then the town of Algoma and purchased the ferry operated by James
                          Knaggs. That same year Webster bought 118 acres of land along the mouth of the Fox

                          River on the North side all the way to present Main St. Here he built a log cabin on his

                          newly purchased land, which is now the corner of Bowen & Lake Shore Drive. In 1842, Mr.
                          Stanley moved his ferry to the mouth of the Fox River near the Chicago & Northwestern R.
                          R. bridge, moving it to the area of present Main St. in 1847. Mr. Stanley is credited with

                          many firsts in the city. The first school, where six students were taught for a short period

                          of time in his home. The first public house in 1846, called the Brooklyn, near present day

                          South Main St. Stanley had lost his original claim after he failed to pay the morgage. The
                          Stanley home was also the site of county government until a court house was built in
                          1849. Webster Stanley died while on a trip to South Dakota in 1878, near the town of

                          Aberdeen and is buried in Columbia Catholic Cemetery in South Dakota. Webster Stanley

                          had three childern with his wife Sophia Gallup Webster. Sophia Gallup Webster was born
                          in the state of New York, she is buried in Ellenwood Cemetery in Oshkosh, along with her
                          daughter Martha. The youngest was George, born 9-26-1838, the first white male born in
                          the city of Oshkosh. George lived in Antigo, Wisconsin where he died and is buried.

                          Webster's older son was named of Henry. Henry came to the Oshkosh area at the age of

                          fourteen along with his father. Henry left Oshkosh in the 1860's, and for a time lived in

               Object ID   P2003.5.1

               Object     Print, Albumen

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