Page 282 - Family History
P. 282
Clark, Nancy Angeline
MRS. CLARK, 71, SUCCUMBS Nancy Angeline Clark (cont. …)
Funeral services will be held at the
Nancy Angeline Clark, 71, a resident chapel of the Dewey Lyden Company
of Port Angeles during the past funeral directors, Sunday morning at
eighteen months, passed away 10:00 a.m. Rev. Crum of the Latter-
Thursday at her home, 934 West Day Saints church in Chehalis, will
Fifth street. officiate.
The late Mrs. Clark was born in
Farmington, Utah on December 12, Source: Newspaper clipping.
1858, and later moved with her
parents to Logan, Utah. At the age of
17 she was married to George E.
Clark and to the union were born six
children, five of whom are still living.
The Clarks made their home in
Trenton, Wyoming for twelve years
and went from there to Spokane. The
family home was maintained in that
city more than twenty years.
Surviving are the five children, Mrs.
A.W. Stanley and Mrs. Grisel Wilson
of Port Angeles; Mrs. R.A. McDole,
Tucson, Arizona; J.G. Clark, Kellogg,
Idaho, and J.D. Clark of Blanchard,
Idaho. In addition, there are eleven
grandchildren and four great-
Mrs. Clark is remembered as a kind
and loving mother. She was a
member of the reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in