Page 133 - Family History
P. 133
Family Stories
father said he had in the hands of Logan Oleson in Nori Sundly 6,000 kr and told me to
go to see him and tell him not to set it out as he owed me I could take it with me to
America. I saw Logan Oleson and he informed me a few days ago he let a widow woman
who. gave good security 2000 of it. I said ok; as I saw that was A few after I left
for home here in America my father follow me and said this, I have some money and have
thought to divide this among your children; but are not worth what the peoples figures
were up to. I listen and gave him the following answer. In your outdealing hold enough for
yourself and mother; remember one father with support with six children. Easeer than six
children one father, was my last word to him.
I N. Poulsen, born May 24th 1853, in Renhade AAby, Logan, Denmark. Father name
Paul Christian Neilsen; Mother name Marren Bertelsdater, I was brought up on a farm
until Feb. 26th 1872 when I left for America, Landed in New York after a stormy
voyage. Stearns boat Minesota, was supposed to take us from Liverpool England to New
York in 9 to 11 days. I think it took 29 days owing to stormy weather crossing. Left
New York for Chicago the same day we landed. I first work was carrying mortar to
plasters in a building; I understood to be a bank. My boarding house was 183 Brown
Street. Mr. Hoss who was a German, his wife a Danish, after a short stay in Chicago, I
left for Marquette, Iowa where I worked for Mr. Jacob Acker, also a plaster. Short
time on a railroad and at last on a farm clearing land after which Sam Peterson who came
over with me and stayed in Chicago was not enjoying the best of health. I left Iowa for
Chicago, found he was working on a farm, so I decided to try farm work also and got a
place with Mr. Harry O. Lovitt near Oak Park, about ten miles out from Chicago, Left
there in company of Sam Peterson for Wilcox Elk Co. Pennsylvania and we both got work
at the Wilcox Lumber Co. He in the mill, I in the blacksmith shop till the fall of 1874,
when the mill stopped, all discharge except me and a gentlemen by the name of Henry