Page 333 - Family History
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               Zorn, George F.

                              George Zorn,                    George F. Zorn (cont. …)
                       Ex-Assessor at Kiel, Is Dead

                     Kiel  -  (Special)  -  George  F.  Zorn,  62,
                     former street commissioner and city
                     assessor here, died at his home, 1002
                     N.  Fourth  street,  at  5:55  a.m.  today
                     following a lingering illness.
                                                                 George Zorn Passes Away
                     Mr.  Zorn  was  born  Sept.  5, 1879,  in
                     Louis Corners, town of Schleswig, son    Residents of this city were surprised
                     of  C.  R.  and  Johanna  Zorn,  and  on   Wednesday  morning,  when  they
                     Nov.  25,  1909,  married  Alma  Ibe,  of   learned  of  the  death  of  George  F.
                     the  town  of  Schleswig.  The  Rev.     Zorn, aged 62, who had passed away
                     George  Denninger  performed  the        early that morning at 5:55 o'clock at
                     ceremony. The couple lived on a farm     his  home  at  1002  N.  4th  street,
                     at Louis Corners for seven years, and    following an illness.
                     then  moved  to  this  city,  where  Mr.
                     Zorn worked as a mason.                  Funeral  services  will  be  held  on
                                                              Friday  afternoon  at  2  o'clock  at  the
                     Survivors  are  his  wife,  two  children,   Meiselwitz  Funeral  Home,  with  the
                     Clarence and Mrs. Michael (Florence)     Rev.  Frank  Zimmerman  officiating,
                     Schmidt,  Jr.,  both  of  Kiel,  two     Interment will be made in the Union
                     grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Ida   cemetery at Louis Corners.
                     Voigt, of Collins, Mrs. George Mattes,
                     of   Rockville,   and   Mrs.   Anna      Mr.  Zorn  was  born  September  5,
                     Ruppenthal, of Hilbert, and a brother,   1879 in Louis Corners, the son of C.R.
                     John, of near Kiel.                      and Johanna Zorn. On November 25,
                                                              1909  he  was  married  to  Miss  Alma
                     Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.   Ibe  of  Schleswig  township  at  the
                     Friday  at  the  Meiselwitz  Funeral     Lutheran church at Louis Corners by
                     home,  with  interment  in  Union        the Rev. George Denninger. The first
                     cemetery,  Louis  Corners.    The  Rev.   seven  years  of  their  marriage  they
                     Frank  Zimmermann,  pastor  of  the      resided  on  a  farm  in  Louis  Corners,
                     First Presbyterian church of Kiel, will   and in 1916 the Zorn family moved to
                     officiate.                               this city. After locating here, Mr. Zorn
                                                              followed  the  mason  trade.  He  was
                     The  Sheboygan  Press  -  Wednesday,     also  street  commissioner  and  city
                     September 24, 1941 - P. 4.               assessor for several years. For many
                                                              years he operated a bowling alley in
                                                              the basement at the city hall.

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