Page 328 - Family History
P. 328


               Stanley, Robert Lee

                                                              Robert Lee Stanley (cont. …)
                           Robert Lee Stanley
                                                              Bob  met  Violet  Stanley  and  after  a
                                                              few  years  of  having  a  long-distance
                                                              relationship,  he  moved  to  Grants
                                                              Pass,  OR  in  2007  and  became  an
                                                              Oregon Duck fan.

                                                              Bob  is  survived  by  his  four  children,
                                                              Rick Stanley,  Denise Gonzales, David
                                                              Stanley  and  Tina  Stanley.  He  is  also
                                                              survived  by  his  sister  June  Poulsen
                                                              and his girlfriend Violet Stanley. Bob
                                                              was  blessed  with  five  grandchildren
                                                              and  three  great  grandchildren.  Bob
                     Robert Lee Stanley was born on Feb.      was  preceded  in  death  by  his
                     14,  1931  in  Port  Angeles,  WA,  to   parents,  Chester  and  Elizabeth  and
                     Chester  Leroy  Stanley  and  Elizabeth   his brother Greg.
                     Ellen Stanley (Pontine).
                                                              Bob  passed  away  on  April  24,  2012
                     Bob  went  to  school  in  Port Angeles,   after  a  short  illness.  The  family  is
                     WA until his high school years, when     having  a  celebration  of  life  on  May
                     he  moved  to  Cloverdale.  Robert       20, 2012 from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. at the
                     graduated  from  Cloverdale  High        Cloverdale City Park.
                     School  in  1949  and  served  in  the
                     Coast Guard from 1950-1953. He was
                     honorably  discharged  and  had  to      Source: Cloverdale Reveille
                     return  to  his  family  because  his    Cloverdale, California
                     father  passed  away.  At  times  Bob
                     worked  two  jobs  to  support  the

                     Bob met and married Patty Coppo in
                     1956, were married for 24 years and
                     raised four children. Bob worked as a
                     quality  control  tech  at  MGM  brakes
                     for 32 years. He was a faithful 49ers
                     and Giants fan and was a member of
                     the Druids Club for many years. Bob
                     spent  time  working  on  Citrus  Fair
                     Exhibits and loved woodworking.

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