Page 327 - Family History
P. 327
Stanley, Gregory
Gregory Stanley Gregory Stanley (cont. …)
Gregory A. Stanley, who went to The family suggest memorial
work at MGM Brakes when he was contributions to the American
16 years old, worked for the Diabetes Association, 631 Howard St,
Cloverdale company for 40 years Suite 520, San Francisco 94105.
until he died Sunday at the age of 55.
[Note: A second, slightly different
Family members said Stanley died of obituary is also recorded here …]
the heart attack at his Cloverdale
STANLEY, Gregory Albert – Entered
Stanley, who worked his way from into rest on November 9, 1997 at the
laborer to management at the brake age of 55. Beloved husband of Judith
manufacturing company was a Monson-Stanley of Cloverdale. Dearly
supervisor in charge of material loved father of Gregory Scott Stanley
purchasing at the time of his death. and wife Reesa and Michael Alan
Stanley and wife Kelly. Stepfather of
Born in Washington, Stanley moved Matthew Len Monson and wife,
with his family to Cloverdale when he Paula and Mark Bryson Monson.
was 5 years old. Cloverdale had been Loving grandfather of Bryan E.
his home since 1947 except for the Rogers, Christina Elizabeth Stanley,
four years he served in the Navy. Victoria Lee Stanley and Joshua
Michael Stanley. Brother of June
Michael Stanley of Jacksonville, Fla. Louise Paulsen [Poulsen] and Robert
said his father was a dedicated family Lee Stanley. Uncle of Rick Stanley,
man whose primary interests were Dave Stanley, Denise Peebles and
his wife, children and grandchildren. Tina Stanley [and more]. Also
survived by cousins Wayne and Roger
In addition to his son, Stanley is Stanley.
survived by his wife, Judith Monson-
Stanley of Cloverdale; another son, Friends are invited to call at the
Gregory Stanley of Orange Park, Fla.; Chapel of FRED YOUNG & COMPANY,
stepsons, Matthew Monson of Napa CLOVERDALE on Friday, November,
and Mark Monson of Santa Rosa; 14th between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
sister June Paulsen[Poulsen] of and 12:00 p.m. for a visitation.
Seattle; brother, Robert Stanley of Friends are also invited on Friday,
Cloverdale, and by four grandchildren November 14 to attend a funeral
and several nieces, nephews and service at the First Baptist Church of
cousins. Cloverdale, commencing at 2:00 p.m.