Page 158 - Family History
P. 158
Letters, Postcards, Clippings
French Spoliation Letter #2
Lynbrook, N.Y. Oct 29 1925
Mrs. E.E. Fisher
Dear Cousin –
I am enclosing herewith a letter which I wrote to your sister Kate about a week
ago, and which was returned to me this morning.
Geo. Worth one of his heirs in the matter of the French Spoliation Claims,
thinks he has a good chance of clearing up this case, and for that reason I would
ask that you and her sign both papers and return them to me as soon as possible.
Some special legislation has got to be put through for this case and he seems to
be in a position to have it done.
Hoping to hear from you soon I remain
Your Cousin
360 Vincent Ave
Lynbrook, N.Y.
See Item: L#02