Page 159 - Family History
P. 159
Letters, Postcards, Clippings
French Spoliation Letter #3
Lynbrook, N.Y. Nov 19 1925
Dear Cousin –
Just a few lines to say we received your interesting letter of the first, and also
to say that I am still waiting patiently for the papers which you sent to cousin
Kate. Can you furnish me with the dates of [your?] father’s birth marriage and
death, you mother’s maiden name, dates of birth and death cousin Will’s birth date
and date of death, cousin Kate’s date of birth and marriage, also your own?
We note that you say you do not know who this John Adams was, well here goes
so far as I know – JOHN F. ADAM – not Adams – was the ship owner born
Aug 14, 1782. He and the original John Jacob Astor married sisters. J.F.A.
married MARIE WILLIAMS, June 16, 1800. Tradition has it that Adam and
Astor were next door neighbors. John Corgan married MARY AUGUSTA
ADAM July 10, 18—one of John F. Adam’s five or six children. We are
somewhat up a tree on records concerning John Corgan as I have been given to
understand that the Corgan records were destroyed in a fire in Philadelphia in
the 1800’s.
There is one thing certain Gussie, if this money is ever to be had Geo. W. Worth
is the boy to see it through.