Page 185 - Family History
P. 185

Letters, Postcards, Clippings

               solicitation of Chief Oshkosh, he located at       he fixed a gun cap on the end of a ramrod
               Oshkosh,  settling  at  the  mouth  of  the  Fox   and poking it through the cracks in the wall
               river.  The  land  was  then  owned  by  the       held it in the candle until it was heated and
               Indians  and  it  was  later  that  it  became  the   exploded  blowing  the  candle  to  pieces  and
               property of the government. He took up 118         leaving the lovers in the dark. He had also
               acres  of  land  but  his  experiences  in  losing   cut  wood  for  the  schoolhouse  which  Mr.
               the land are too extended for this article and     Gallup  was  using  and  in  order  to  secure
               will  be  told  in  a  subsequent  story.  At  the   peace,  Mr.  Gallup  gave  the  boy  fifty  cents
               time of the settlement, 200 soldiers came up       and was not molested thereafter.
               from  Fort  Howard  and  camped  in  his  first
               field.                                             Mr.  Stanley  says  that  there  were  seven
                                                                  pupils in this first school; Henrietta Wright
               Mr.  Stanley  cleared  and  planted  the  first    and Electa Wright, sisters of the late W.W.
               field of wheat in Winnebago county and dug         Wright,  three  McCarthy  children,  himself
               a  well  which  is  still  in  existence.  These   and his sister Malinda Stanley.
               soldiers  drank  that  well  dry.  Mr.  Stanley,
               previous  to  coming  to  Oshkosh,  built  the     After  the  teacher  was  married,  which  was
               first mill at Peshtigo for Daniel Whitney of       shortly  after  Mr.  Gallup  commenced
               Green  Bay.  Mr.  Stanley  entertained  A.  D.     courting her, school was closed and another
               Clark  of  Fond  du  Lac,  who  brought  down      was  not  started  for  several  years.  All  the
               the second crib of logs ever rafted down the       toting  of  provisions  was  from  Green  Bay,
               river.  The  first  crib  was  rafted  by  the     then Fort Howard and Mr. Stanley’s brother
               government. Mr. Stanley was followed next          owns  a  coffee  mill  which  was  used  in  the
               by Chester P. Gallup, who came in the same         winter of 1838 to grind corn, when no wheat
               month accompanied by his sons, Amos and            could be obtained anywhere. Three families
               Henry Gallup. Henry Gallup was the father          used the same mill. The elder Stanley build
               of E. H. Gallup. Chester Ford was the third        a  large  double  barn,  each  section  being
               settler,  coming  here  in  1837.  Next  came      sixteen by eighteen and conducted the first
               George  Wright,  father  of  the  late  W.W.       tavern just at the mouth of the Fox river on
               Wright,  and  then  Joseph  Jackson.  Mr.          the north side. Later he moved it to the west
               Stanley,  the  elder,  built  the  first  house  in   side  of  the  Ferry  (now  Main  street)  and
               Oshkosh, a log cabin sixteen and a half feet       located  it  upon  land  owned  by  Joseph
               square. This was located right at the mouth        Jackson. To do this is was necessary to cut
               of  the  Fox  river  and  surrounded  by  Indian   away all the underbrush on that section now
               lodges.                                            occupied  as  Main  street,  which  the  son  of
                                                                  Henry Stanley helped to do. He also moved
               He  conducted  the  first  ferry  near  Bowen’s    his ferry to that place. Later the father kept a
               point. An addition to his house was used for       hotel  known  as  the  Brooklyn  house  on
               a  schoolhouse.  The  first  teacher  was          property  owned  by  Joseph  Stringham  in
               Emaline  Cook  of  Fond  du  Lac,  later  Mrs.     Brooklyn,  now  the  south  side  of  the  river.
               Henry Gallup.                                      Webster Stanley, the father, left Oshkosh a
                                                                  good  many  years  ago.  He  came  here  from
               In  speaking  of  the  matter,  Henry  Stanley     Ohio  and  lived  here  several  years  but  just
               says  that  he  distinctly  remembers  how  Mr.    the date of his removal his son cannot say.
               Gallup  “sparked  the  teacher”  in  the  school   He  died  in  Dakota  about  twenty  five  years
               room evenings, and how upon one occasion           ago.

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