Page 188 - Family History
P. 188

Letters, Postcards, Clippings

               of  a  great  city,  and  down  into  the  bustling
               streets,  the  impressions  seemed  almost
               irresistible that he was looking at some relic
               of  antiquity  –  the  same  impression  that
               confronts  one  in  gazing  at  Egyptian
               mummies in a museum. The historic interest
               that applies to one seemed to throw a halo of
               curiosity  about  the  other.  On  the  one  hand
               was  the  life,  activity  and  motion  of  a
               glowing  present,  on  the  other  sat  the
               representative,  almost  the  reality  of  a  past

               Reference: N#02

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