Page 191 - Family History
P. 191
Letters, Postcards, Clippings
Newspaper Clipping – Webster Stanley School
[Note: From Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, November 21, 1955.]
WELCOMES WEBSTER religious backgrounds and have done a good
STANLEY DESCENDANTS job of welding them together into a nation of
united people.
Two great-granddaughters of Webster Declaring that America’s public schools
Stanley were welcomed Sunday afternoon represent a “tremendously big organization”
by Prin. Hugo J. Radkey to the new junior which is getting increasingly larger and
high school which bears the Oshkosh more influential, the speaker pointed out that
pioneer’s name. Stanley’s descendants, both between 30 and 40 million Americans are
of whom attended the dedication of the currently attending public schools.
building, are from left, Mrs. Eric Froberg,
Escanaba, Mich., and Mrs. Axel Sandell, It was not a great many years ago, he
Milwaukee. emphasized, that there were fewer people in
the entire nation that are in the public
Junior High Dedication schools now.
Draws Capacity Crowd Few Uneducated Today
Madison Man Principal Speaker Mr. Powell said that “It’s an oddity today to
At Webster Stanley School Event find a child who hasn’t made his or her way
to a school,” adding that years ago there
“Could we ever have been held together and were many children who had only very
made into a nation had it not been for the limited educational opportunities.
great public schools of America?” asked
Frank Powell, Wisconsin education official, He stressed the special facilities which have
during an address Sunday afternoon which been provided for handicapped children,
highlighted the dedication of the new including those with visual and auditory
Webster Stanley Junior High School. defects. Specially trained teachers help such
youngsters “to climb as high as their
The Madison man, assistant state abilities and ambitions will take them,” Mr.
superintendent of public instruction and Powell remarked.
director of the bureau of handicapped
children, spoke to a capacity audience which Declaring that “brick, steel and mortar alone
crowded into the school auditorium for the won’t make a school,” the educator stressed
dedicatory program. the importance of teachers who are aware
that they are making an important
Down through the years, Mr. Powell contribution to the progress of civilization
commented, the public schools have taken and the peace of the world.
children of many different nationalities and