Page 189 - Family History
P. 189

Letters, Postcards, Clippings

               Newspaper Clipping – Webster Stanley Grave

               [Note: From The Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh, Wisconsin August 8, 1930.]

                      GRAVE OF OSHKOSH                            place  of  the  men  of  the  town.  It  was  there
                        PIONEER IS FOUND                          that  the  name  “Oshkosh”,  in  honor  of  the
                        AT COLUMBIA, S.D.                         Menominee chieftain was chosen rather than
                                                                  Athens,  Osceola,  or  any  of  the  others
                     Final Resting Place of Webster
                         Stanley, the First White                 The Stanley family lived in the log cabin for
                           Man to Build Here,                     some  years  and  then  moved  to  Stanley’s
                              Is Discovered                       landing on the Wolf river. The youngest son,
                                                                  George  Stanley,  was  the  first  white  child
               The practically unmarked grave of Webster          born  here.  He  died  some  years  ago  and  is
               Stanley,  first  settler  and  founder  of  this   buried at Antigo.
               community, has been located in a cemetery
               at Columbia, S.D. by members of the Frank          Mrs. Stanley and a daughter are buried in a
               Stanley family,  descendants  of the pioneer,      plot in the northeast corner of the Ellenwood
               according to information received by Arthur        cemetery on the Zion road, southwest of this
               P.  Kannenberg,  member  of  the  Winnebago        city. Webster Stanley was visiting in South
               County     Archeological   and    Historical       Dakota  at  the  time  of  his  death  and  was
               society.                                           buried there.

               The  Frank  Stanley  family  was  in  Oshkosh             MAY BRING BODY HERE.
               June  14  to  attend  the  unveiling  and
               dedication  of  the  marker  at  the  corner  of   There had been a difference of opinion as to
               Lake  drive  and  Bowen  street,  approximate      his  burial  place,  but  it  had  been  supposed
               site  of  the  Webster  Stanley  log  cabin,  first   that he was interred at the Columbia, S.D.,
               white  man’s  house  build  on  ground  where      cemetery. The only marker at the grave is a
               later Oshkosh was to be built.                     board on which the name “Webster Stanley”
                                                                  was  scratched  with  a  nail.  The  board  was
               The monument erected by the Archeological          said to measure twelve inches wide, twenty-
               and  Historical  society  bears  a  tablet         nine  inches  long,  and  one  and  one  half
               inscribed  to  the  memory  of  the  first  settler   inches thick.
               and shows the date of 1836, when he came
               here.                                              It  is  proposed  to  bring  the  remains  to  this
                                                                  city at some time in the future if the project
                     PLAYED IMPORTANT PART                        can  be  financed.  The  cemetery  board  has
                                                                  offered  a  lot  in  Riverside  cemetery  to  be
               Stanley lived here for a number of years and       used    by    the    Winnebago      County
               his log cabin played an important part in the      Archeological and Historical society for the
               development of the community. It was used          reinternment of persons prominent in the up-
               as the first school and was also the meeting       building  of  Oshkosh  and  the  county.

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