Page 186 - Family History
P. 186

Letters, Postcards, Clippings

               Henry Stanley who was about fourteen years         raised  in  Montana  during  the  Philippine
               of age when he came to Oshkosh, married a          trouble. This son has the second best record
               niece of James Ray, who died about sixteen         of five of the crack shooters of the regiment.
               years ago. He left Oshkosh about forty years
               ago and has not been here to visit in about        George  Stanley  who  was  born  in  Oshkosh
               thirty  years.  He  says  that  he  is  completely   two  or  three  years  after  his  father  settled
               lost here now and has not been able to get         here, lives at Antigo with his wife and has
               his  bearings  at  all.  Mr.  Stanley  lives  at   no  children.  Webster  Stanley  and  his  son
               present  at  Hermansville,  Mich.,  with  a        Henry  Stanley  were  members  of  the  first
               daughter.  He  has  two  sons  also  and  a        I.O.O.F.  lodge  in  Oshkosh,  known  as
               daughter  living  in  Montana.  His  youngest      Saukian  lodge  No.  32.  He  still  remains  a
               son  died  recently  as  the  result  of  a  fever   member of the order and takes great interest
               contracted while serving in the first regiment     in that organization.
                                                                                       [Note: Hand-written
                                                                                       on the copy is “Henry
                                                                                       Edward Stanley’s

                                                                                       Reference: N#01

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