Page 181 - Family History
P. 181
Letters, Postcards, Clippings
Newspaper Clipping – Fisher Pharmacy Closes
[Note: From Port Angeles Evening News, Thursday April 29, 1943.]
Fisher Pharmacy, City’s Oldest The Puget Sound Co-operative Colony had
Business Establishment, Closes settled at Ennis creek in 1887 and quite a lot
of folks moved in and lived there, but there
was only a handful of people along Front
By Jack Henson
street, then known as the west end. In front
A saga of pioneer days, that began on the of the new drug store was the weather
beach here in 1888, fifty-five years ago, was bureau flag pole to which ranchers tied their
ended a few days ago when Mrs. George horses when they came to town and across
Taylor turned the key in the lock of the the street was the weather bureau. Along the
Fisher Pharmacy, 118 West Front street to street were a couple of grocery stores, the
signal the closing of Port Angeles’ oldest Merchant’s and Central Hotels and the
business establishment. Morse dock at the foot of Laurel street.
Since the death of the founder, E.E. (Pete) PIONEER DOCTORS
Fisher, in 1934, the pharmacy was operated BROUGHT BUSINESS
by George Taylor until his death several
weeks ago. His widow carried on during his The drug store was the only one in the
illness and for several weeks after his death, city. Pioneer doctors Lewis, Lull and Vail
but recently sold the stock and closed the brought the prescriptions that had previously
business. been compounded in their own offices, to
Pete Fisher to fill and amount the yellow
The story of the Fisher Pharmacy started prescription files in the ancient
when E.E. Fisher moved a stock of drugs establishment are many mementos of the
into a shack at 121 East Front street in 1888. old-time doctors dated back to 1888.
The one-room building faced a trail-like Along came the early 90’s and with it a
road that meandered along the beach. There boom incidental to opening up of the
were no show windows in the shack but townsite to settlement. New buildings
pinned on the roof was a sign that read started to spring up along Front street, the
“Drugs.” city was incorporated as “squatters” poured
Young “Pete” Fisher had come to Port in and Pete Fisher loaded his stock and
Angeles a couple of years before with his fixtures in a wheelbarrow and moved across
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Front street where there was a new building
Fisher, and had cut wood and done most that had show windows. Soon the green and
everything while waiting an opportunity to red globes, indicative of a drug store,
go into the drug store business for which he appeared in the new establishment about
had been trained. The senior Fishers lived a where the Duck Inn now is located. To the
couple doors east of the new business west was the new City Hotel, three stories
establishments. high. East on the corner of the block the
city’s greatest civic improvement, the town
pump, had been put in where the Eubanks