Page 194 - Family History
P. 194
Letters, Postcards, Clippings
June Stanley’s Salmon Derby Lesson
[Note: Port Angeles Evening News, Friday, September 18, 1936
William Welsh was managing editor of the Port Angeles Evening News until 1939. His
front-page column “Welsh RAREBITS”, was quite popular with the residents.]
Welsh Ediz Hook light, Sally Price had a “strike”
RAREBITS and successfully hauled that salmon into the
boat. Right then drama cruised about in the
“Andy Gump.” June’s face paled. In words
THE WAY OF YOUTH that seemed to come from a wounded heart,
she said: “Sally your fish is bigger than
SOMETIME when you read of dictators mine.” Mr. and Mrs. Stanley said nothing.
sending great armies off to foreign lands They realized that two girl pals were facing
because their envoys cannot agree on the a battle. June had loaned her pole to Sally
division of land, recall this story of Sally and lost that bicycle.
Price and June Stanley, who fished together
in the Port Angeles Junior Salmon Derby. It ** ** ** ** **
is a story of how one little girl provided the
boat and the line with which another little SALLY WAS GRATEFUL
girl “fished” her right out of first prize,
which was a bicycle she wanted so badly. WHEN the weighing in was over, it proved
And a story of how their hearts settled the that Sally Price had caught the largest fish.
dilemma. June’s fish was the second largest. So Sally
** ** ** ** ** was awarded the bicycle, June the brand
new shiny wrist watch. Then Mr. Stanley
JUNE’S TACKLE stepped forward, shook hands with Sally,
whole-heartedly congratulating her on her
SALLY PRICE had no boat to fish from; no prowess as a fisherlady. This was too much
tackle with which to fish. So she went out to for Sally. She turned to the little girl beside
seat with the Stanleys in their boat called the her and said: “Cheer up, June, you can have
“Andy Gump.” For four hours June Stanley my old bike.” And June’s face lit up like the
fished. Finally at eleven o-clock, she hauled heavens when the stars are all aglow, and
a salmon into the boat. Once it was safely she replied: “That’s grand, Sally. You can
aboard, she handed the pole to Sally and have my old wrist watch.” The angels must
said: “Now, Sally, you can use the pole.” have blessed both those girls at that moment.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
WITHIN the same hour, and when the THEN came the real test of character. Papa
“Andy Gump” was directly in front of the Price stepped into the picture, as daddies