Page 196 - Family History
P. 196

Letters, Postcards, Clippings

               [Note: For more background on this story,          of  their  lives  emulating  their  elders  and
               what follows appeared in the Port Angeles          being  a  credit  to  the  Port  Angeles  Salmon
               Evening News, Monday, September 14,                club, joint sponsors with civic organizations,
               1936, the day after the Junior Salmon              of the interesting event.
                                                                       There  was  triple  transportation  provided
                                                                  to take all the youngsters to Ediz Hook, cars
                                                                  leaving  from  the  Chamber  of  Commerce
                 1000 YOUNGSTERS FISH IN DERBY
                                                                  rooms at 6:30 o’clock and fishing starting at
                    SALLY PRICE AND KENNETH                       7:30 o’clock.
                    RUDOLPH, SALMON FISHING
                     CHAMPIONS OF THIS CITY                                        CEREMONIES

                   YOUNGSTERS CATCH 150 FISH,                          William  J.  Conniff  acted  as  mast  of
                  AMONG WHICH THERE WERE 44                       ceremonies  at  the  prize  presentations  after
                SALMON, OFF EDIZ HOOK SUNDAY                      the derby. Mayor Ralph E. Davis praised the
                                                                  derby  and  introduced  Charles  Davis,  chief
                    One thousand children, between the ages       engineer  of  the  department  of  labor  and
               of  eight  and  15  years,  caught  150  fish,     industries  of  the  state,  who  with  Dr.  J.C.
               among  which  were  44  salmon,  in  the  first    Hay and W.J. Conniff, originated the Junior
               annual Junior Fishing Derby staged off Ediz        Derby idea and contributed one of the major
               Hook Sunday. The whole junior population           prizes. Davis officiated in presenting all the
               of the city literally took to the sea in one of    prizes.
               the  most  colorful  events  for  children  ever
               staged  and  the  first  junior  derby  ever  held        At  least  two  thousand  people  witnessed
               anywhere.                                          the  presentation  ceremonies.  A  wind  storm
                                                                  from the west hit Ediz Hook while the prizes
                    About 750 of the children had registered      were being presented and brought with it a
               to  fish,  but  250  more  poured  on  to  Ediz    driving  rainstorm  that  drove  everyone  to
               Hook  and  every  craft  in  the  harbor  that     shelter  and  cut  short  some  of  the  planned
               floats  was  pressed  into  service  and  every    program.
               boy  and  girl  was  given  an  opportunity  to
               fish.                                                             PLENTY OF EATS

                    Showing  the  versatility  of  the  youthful        With  Chef  Bob  O’Brien  of  the  Shrine
               fishermen and the variety of fishing here the      club  in  charge,  the  thousand  children  were
               kids  caught  and  weighed  in  salmon,  trout,    fed  with  about  half  a  ton  of  hot  dogs  and
               Irish  Lords,  cod fish of about  six  varieties,   buns, gallons and gallons of milk and freezer
               rat  fish,  dog  fish,  red  snappers,  bas,  perch   after  freezer  full  of  ice  cream,  garnished
               and  several  other  kinds  of  denizens  of  the   with  cakes.  There  were  also  30  boxes  of
               sea.                                               apples.

                    The  children  rolled  in  from  the  fishing        O’Brien  was  assisted  in  preparing  and
               grounds  with  fish  in  their  hands  in  a       serving the refreshments by Boy Scouts and
               seemingly  endless stream  and had the time

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