Page 192 - Family History
P. 192

Letters, Postcards, Clippings

               Americans  today, he continued, are putting
               into  practice  a  philosophy  held  by  their     Special  recognition  went  to  Mrs.  Eric
               ancestors 150 years ago – that “education is       Froberg,  Escanaba,  Mich.,  and  Mrs.  Axel
               for all.”                                          Sandell,  Milwaukee,  great-granddaughters
                                                                  of Webster Stanley, the first white settler in
               In  another  part  of  his  address,  Mr.  Powell   what  is  now  the  City  of  Oshkosh.  Also
               commented  that  “it  is  fashionable  today  to   receiving  special  recognition  was  Thomas
               think  young  people  are  pretty  bad.  But  I    Harenburg,  Oshkosh,  winner  of  a  board  of
               don’t believe it.”                                 education-sponsored  contest  to  choose  a
                                                                  suitable name for the new school.
               He emphasized his opinion that the schools
               today  contain  the  finest  group  of  young      Watson Sends Letter
               people  in  the  nation’s  history.  With  more
               children in the schools, it is only natural that   A  congratulatory  letter  from  George  E.
               there are more bad ones, Mr. Powell stated,        Watson,  state  superintendent  of  public
               adding that it follows, too, that there are also   instruction,  we  read  by  Comm.  Radford  at
               more good ones.                                    the conclusion of the program.

               “I hope that we never get so old that we lose      Music  during  the  ceremony  was  furnished
               faith in children and in the rightness of the      by the Webster Stanley Junior High School
               things  we  do  for  them,”  Mr.  Powell           chorus  which,  under  the  direction  of  Mrs.
               declared.                                          Agnes Kapitzke, sang “God of Our Fathers,”
                                                                  Warren,  and  “The  Heavens  Resound,”
               The speaker was introduced to his audience         Beethoven.
               by Charles M. Radford who, as chairman of
               the board of education’s building committee,       The invocation at the outset of the ceremony
               presided over Sunday afternoon’s dedication        was offered by the Rev. William J. Spicer,
               ceremony.                                          rector of Trinity Episcopal Church.

               Also introduced by Comm. Radford during            A musical prelude, prior to the beginning of
               the  course  of  the  program  were  Mayor         the  program,  was  presented  by  the  school
               Ernest R. Siewert, Supt. Of Schools Perry A.       band, directed by Donald Heidemann.
               Tipler, Mrs. Virginia Williams, president of
               the board of education, other members of the       Following  the  dedication,  an  open  house
               board, various city officials and members of       was held through the new school to permit
               the  architectural  concerns  which  designed      visitors  to  tour  the  building  and  inspect  its
               the Webster Stanley Junior High School.            facilities. Faculty members were stationed in
                                                                  their respective rooms.
               Members of the staff of the new school were
               introduced by Prin. Hugo J. Radkey.

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