Page 197 - Family History
P. 197
Letters, Postcards, Clippings
representatives of Kiwanis and Rotary clubs
and many volunteer workers.
1. (Girls) Sally Price, 11 lbs., 4 oz. bicycle.
The more than five hundred cars were 1. (Boys) Kenneth Rudolph, 11 lbs., 1 oz.
parked efficiently by a crew of state bicycle.
highway patrolmen under Paul Mc Elroy of 2. June Stanley, 9 lbs., 12 oz., wrist watch.
3. Jimmie Jones, 9 lbs., 10 oz., salmon rod and
the traffic control division of the state reel.
highway department. State Patrol officers 4. Doreen Swanson, 9 lbs., 10 oz., hiking
engaged in the work were Ben Rouseh, boots.
Shelton; Henry Bold, Port Townsend; Boyd 5. Harold Carlson, 9 lbs., 5 oz., rod.
Roupp, Hoquiam; W. L. Lane, Port Angeles 6. Jimmie Donahue, 9 lbs., 2 oz., tennis racket.
and J. Williamson of Aberdeen.
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So many people contributed money,
prizes and labor to the junior derby that the
affair became one of the greatest civic
enterprises ever put on in Port Angeles. To
mention the persons who provided cars,
fishing boats, fishing tackle and their own
services in taking the youngsters out fishing
would be almost like calling the roll of the
citizenry of the city.
President J. C. Hay of the Port Angeles
Salmon club has asked the Evening News to
express his personal thanks and those of the
children, to all those who contributed so
much to the pleasure of the day. For fear of
slighting someone, no list of names will be
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