Page 41 - Family History
P. 41
Family Stories
I somehow came to have in my possession a “newspaper-style” flyer for Fisher’s
Drug Store! It has a heading logo “The Port Angeles Courier.” on it and below
that, “Published for E.E. Fisher, Port Angeles, W.T.” and “DEVOTED TO THE
INTERESTS OF HUMANITY”. The “W.T.” on it indicates “Washington
Territory” - it was published prior to 1889, the year Washington became a state.
Primarily it consists of information
about medicines and cures, for example,
one article starts out: “Cures pain in the
stomach, colic, cramp colic, bilious colic,
painters’ colic, cholera morbus,
dysentery, diarrhoea, bloody flux,
cholera infantum and cholera. It is put
up in 25 cent, 5 cent, and $1.00 bottles.
For sale by druggists and medicine
dealers throughout the northwestern
states, southern states, pacific coast
states and all the territories.”
The flyer also has poems, jokes, “Advice
To Lovers” and much more. The back
page includes an advertisement for the
drug store, see right.