Page 101 - Family History
P. 101

Family Stories

               only a V-mail [ V-mail, short for Victory Mail,    the letters I wrote back in April
               was a process used during WWII to                                       83 days
               correspond with soldiers stationed                                      100 days
               abroad.] from mom + a 1st class

               from Milo, none from June, wonder if she is
               writing. Almost flew but it was called off         May 23
               at the last minute. A good movie                       Fueled from tanker, but no mail.
               “Saboteur” looked for A. Hitchcock but             June’s last letter was April 27. Flew for 1½
                                                                  hrs this morning got a “well done” from the bridge
               couldn’t find him.
               [Alfred Hitchcock often                            on my landing. Had a wisdom tooth pulled
               appeared in short cameo parts in his               this afternoon, no strain. We’re on course 195
               movies. He appears in this movie                   tonite, my guess is that we’re heading for port.
               too – standing in front of "Cut Rate Drugs"
               as the saboteurs' car stops.]                      Probably Leyte, that won’t hurt my feelings. I hate
               Okinawa should be over in a                        it at sea because there’s nothing to do.
               week – 10 days                                                          82 days
                                     85 days                                           99 days
                                     102 days
                                                                  May 24
               May 21                                                 Worked hard all morning on “aircraft facilities”

                   Quite a bit happened, but not to me            corrections, time went fast. An alert this
               Ray + Bill accompanied a strike to Zamami          afternoon, no action. Reading “Andrew Jackson” by
               [A small island West of Okinawa.] but the          Marquis James, very informative. My guess about
               weather was bad. Separated from their escort, their   going into port was a bum one. Close enough

               navigation finally ended them 90 miles from the    to Okinawa this morning to see star
               formation. They bucked a heavy wind back + landed   shells bursting. Winston Churchill       81
               with about a gallon of gas apiece. Both lucky lads.   resigned today, also Biddle, Perkins,      98
               After losing Frank, it was too close for comfort.   + Wickard of Truman’s/Roosevelt’s cabinet. The
               Frankie M. got orders.  84 days (12 wks)           Braves bought Mort Cooper,

                                     101 days                     nice going if he’ll pitch for them

               May 22                                             May 25
                   Duller than dull slept most of the day, cool                        80
               with rain + high winds. Fuel tomorrow possibly more                     97

               mail. Frankie will leave on tanker. I’ll miss him.       Spent all morning in sky control looking
               Wrote to June, I hope some of her letters get to me   for Japs. Weather was terrible, but they were
               Soon. She may be still be [?] off after some of    out in it. No ships’ gunfire though some were

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