Page 102 - Family History
P. 102

Family Stories

               shot down by planes, a good sized haul at          historical biography. Frank Haas went down

               Okinawa, which should be over soon. We had the     2 mos. ago today
               rescue duty but no luck. Spent the rest of
               the day in bed, not unusual. Will write to         May 28
               June right now. “Tennessee Johnson” the movie,                          77
               good acting, though I doubt much of the history                         94
                                                                      Back to the old routine – off Okinawa.

               May 26                                             Joe Diamond brought some chicken up from
                                     79                           the crew’s galley – delicious. He’s trying to
                                     96                           take Frankie’s place, that’s impossible. Halsey
                   The Exec told me today that our                has taken Spruance’s [Halsey and Spruance are

               awards have been confirmed + that                  WWII admirals.]
               the medal + citation will be sent directly to us, but   place which makes us
               there will be a ceremony at Leyte. I figure we’ll   the Third Fleet. One air alert this morning
               be in port about 10 June. Fuel tomorrow with       turned out to be [PB18 ?] identified as a [Frances
               possibility of mail. Matty + I were a little more   ?] –

               cordial today than we’ve been in weeks             that’s like calling an F6F an OS2U. More mail
                                                                  calls, but none for me. [F6F is the Grumman F6F
               May 27                                             Hellcat – a carrier-based fighter aircraft
                                                                  during WWII. OS2U is referring to the Vought
                                     78                           OS2U Kingfisher – a catapult-launched
                                     95                           observation floatplane – the plane that
                                                                  Everertt flew.]
               Mail call today, some good news +
               some bad. 2 letters from mother + one from         May 29
               Helen. One letter from June + somewhere                                 76
               along the line some of hers are missing. A                              93
               note from “Indiana” telling that A.H. had              Another drab day, the boys at

               passed away, a wonderful woman. Bert has           Okinawa catch hell + yet the Japs don’t even
               grown into a wonderful person since last we        bother us. Didn’t do a thing worth mentioning.
               saw each other. Bill Boyd flew today.              Started hinting to Ray about writing for

               He owes me $25 from A-D. [Acey Duecey – a          my orders, but I’ll give it another month
               card game.]                                        or so, there’s no great hurry
               58-3 [58-3 is a reference to a group
               of ships on a particular mission.] went

               into Leyte + I think we’ll follow soon. Finished
               “Andrew Jackson” by Marquis James, a good

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