Page 104 - Family History
P. 104

Family Stories

               June 5

                                     69                           June 8
                                     86                                                66
                   Woke this morning to find us in the middle                          83
               of a raging typhoon, water in the rooms, one           Carrier strikes on Kyushu, not a bogie all day.
               of our planes overturned + the other badly buffeted.   Official confirmation that we will arrive in Leyte
               One cruiser lost its bow. Old “Bud” doesn’t        About the 13th for 10 days. Can they spare it!

               have much luck with weather. Their [?]             Started reading “Unfinished Business” a diary of
               speed the end of our operation; The big carriers bows   The Versailles Conference by Bonsal. Fuel tomorrow.
               are folded like an accordion. We threw one plane over   Wrote to June + Mom. Played Chaplain to J.D.
               the side                                           He really is feeling bad.

               tonite + the other is unflyable. Right now it’s like the
               bright calm after a N.E. snowstorm.                June 9
               [There is a photo of the Indiana in the                                 65
               typhoon on this day on the internet.]                                   82

                                                                      At sea a month today.

               June 6                                             Mail call. Best yet 6 V-mails from June,
                                     68                           my wonderful one, 2 from Mom + one from
                                     85                           Batey, a good haul. Tomorrow we bombard
                   Back to normal today, our remaining plane is   Minami Daito,[A tiny island southeast of
               unflyable. The carriers were able to launch,       Okinawa.] the carrier planes will

               the Hornet launched off the stern. Slept all morning,   spot since we don’t have any. Tough
               got topside for a good workout this P.M. Fueled from    luck. Slept all morning after standing
               tanker, no mail                                    part of the mid with Arbuckle last nite.

               June 7                                             June 10

                                     67                                                64
                                     84                                                81
                   Not much new. The Bon Homme Richard,           We bombarded Monami Shima
                                                                  Today, watched it from sky control
               Topeka + Oklahoma City joined us. [Bon Homme
               Richard (CV-31) is an Essex-class aircraft         Pretty good shoot, though we couldn’t see much.
               carrier, the Topeka (CL-67) and the                Followed by air strikes, beautiful to watch their dive
               Oklahoma City (CL-91) are Cleveland-class          bombers pull off. On our way South + its getting
               light crusiers.] My roommate                       hotter with each mile. Played poker for the first time
               tells me we are going into port right soon         in mos + dropped $9. We moved out of our office

               Planes will hit Kyushu tomorrow.

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