Page 106 - Family History
P. 106
Family Stories
nearer the book but finely acted. No mail aboard
for 2 days in a row. We had 2 congressmen from
June 17 Indiana, Clark + Johnson visit aboard.
74 June 20
Went to church this morning 54
the new chaplain is swell, and go more 71
often. Maryaun came for our plane + Went to Ticonderoga [U.S.S. Ticonderoga (CV-
the tanker finished the job of wrecking it. 14) an Essex-class aircraft carrier.] in morning,
2 letters from June + one from Helen shot the breeze
Good workout + a nifty sunburn. with Freddy Jenkins. Got a good workout
under a blazing sun in the afternoon. Had
June 18 the midwatch sat it out. No mail for 3
56 --- 8 wks. days now rough!
Had the early morning watch. June 21
Quarters were called off so slept until noon. 53
No mail came aboard today. Hit the 70 10 wks.
beach this afternoon, won $85 shooting crap + got Bad day on the beach lost
a good buzz on. Saw Al Simonds ’40 also 140 dollars, better quit I guess.
[?] Cunningham ’41 on his way to the States A letter from home + one from Milo H S.
tomorrow. [?][?] got sick coming back on None from June, expecting tomorrow. Movie
the boat. “Tonight + Every Nite” Rita Haworth (that’s
all brother!) Still no planes, damn it
June 19
55 June 22
72 52
Today opened like a lamb + 69
closed like a lion. Our boxing team met + Meager mail call, but there’s
defeated the Alabama for its 44th win in 45 11 bags hasn’t been delivered yet. Salvage
starts + Dauteo whipped Roduquez to make barge took all our junk. Getting a new
everyone happy. I kept time + had a ringside seat. plane tomorrow. Captain’s inspection +
Our new band made its debut + is good, with a our medals tomorrow. Movie “Keep Your
good drummer + a fine vocalist. The movie Powder Dry” Lana Turner, Susan Peters,
was “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” not as good as Laraine Day, a lot of luscious talent wasted.