Page 105 - Family History
P. 105

Family Stories

               today to make room for the flag [ “Flag” is        been promised another fan, its needed in this furnace
               sometimes used as a name for a military
               unit.]                                             June 14

               June 11                                                                 60      2 mos.
                                     63                                                77      11 weeks
                                     80                               2 letters from June, one from Victoria
                   Hotter + hotter, Leyte will be a sizzler, we should   + one letter from Mom. A lieut. who reported

               get in the 13th + will stay two weeks, ought to    aboard brought word from John Dee – Com in DW 12.
               get some flying in. Got a good workout this        Invited 2 officers from LCT’s aboard for dinner, in
               afternoon. The boxing squad is working hard for    return received a bolo knife, a straw hat, slippers
               our match with the Alabama. [cornered ?] Dombroski   + a shell necklace.
               + told him to get hot on that letter.

                                                                  June 15
               June 12                                                                 59
                                     62                                                76
                                     79                               The Weasel really read Bill Boyd + I

                   Still enroute to Leyte. Finished “Unfinished   off today + put us on the watch list – its been
               Business” started “Latin America” by Schurz.       coming for a long time. Went to the [?]
               Wish I could have some of these books for my       + straightened out our supply problem. New
               own library. Make port tomorrow. Thank God. We’ll   planes in a few days. 5 letters from
               have a lot of work to do, but there will be time for   June, not bad. Went over to [?] on recreation,
               play too. Got Bill Boyd up to $60 playing          [?} [?] of liquor + plenty of it, broke even in the

               1-2.                                               crap game. Movie “A Song to Remember” long–haired
                                                                  music but good. Met Freddie Jenkins on the beach –
               June 13                                            first time since ’41.

                                     78                           June 16
                   Arrived in Leyte late in the afternoon.                             58
               Practically the whole fleet is assembled. After                         75
                                                                      Standby section so couldn’t go ashore –
               Ulethi [Ulethi Atoll in the western Pacific.]
               + being at sea, it seemed strange to see land      had a hot game of grommets + a good

               masses; no mail today, some tomorrow, movies       workout. No mail from June, the first
               topside even Roy Rogers seemed good under the      time in ages she’s missed. A long letter
               stars. No dope on our new planes as yet            from Mom + one from Zeke. Still no
               Worked up a real sweat in my room. Have            planes, that deck watch gets nearer +

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