Page 289 - Family History
P. 289
Fisher, Gay E.
Gay E. Fisher Gay E. Fisher (cont. …)
A graveside service for Gay E. Fisher,
Her survivors are a son, Frank Fisher
87 will be at 1 p.m. Thursday in of Federal Way; one daughter,
Ocean View Cemetery with the Rev. Madeleine Hales of Bellevue; five
Larry Nicholson of the First United
grandchildren; two great-
Methodist and Congregational grandchildren; and three sisters,
Church officiating. Friends may call at Margaret Brobet, Katherine Iddins
Harper-Ridgeview Funeral Chapel and Virginia Tibbits, all of Seattle.
until 5 p.m. today. Mrs. Fisher died
Friday in Port Angeles.
Source: The [Port Angeles] Daily
She was born in Cosmopolis, Wash.,
News, Nov. 19, 1995
on Feb 23, 1890, to William and Lena
McLaughlin. She graduated from
Lincoln High School in Seattle and in
1923 from the University of
Washington. Mrs. Fisher had taught
school in Lewis and Whatcom
counties prior to serving as a librarian
at a University of Washington library.
On Jan. 11, 1928, she was married to
Frank Fisher Jr. in Seattle. He died in
She came to Port Angeles in 1930
from Port Townsend. Mrs. Fisher
belonged to the Senior Citizens,
Olympic Memorial Hospital Auxiliary,
the Port Angeles Music Club, and was
a charter member of the Port
Angeles Garden Club. She also was
one of the founders of the Girl Scouts
in Port Angeles.