Page 294 - Family History
P. 294


               Fisher, Mrs. Herman

                       PIONEER WOMAN PASSES                   Mrs. Herman Fisher (cont. …)
                         AWAY THIS MORNING
                                                              For  the  past  eight  or  nine years  she

                                                              has been a devout Christian Scientist
                     Mrs.  Herman  Fisher,  one  of  the
                     beloved  pioneer  women  of  Port        and this faith gave added cheer and
                     Angeles,  passed  peacefully  away  at   comfort to her declining years.

                     her  home  this  morning  at  9:20
                                                              She was one of the  most active and
                     o’clock  after  an  illness  of  several
                     weeks  due  to  the  infirmities  of  old   energetic  workers  in  the  Pythian
                     age. Mrs. Fisher, though 81 years of     Sisters and in the Altruistic Club and
                     age, has enjoyed unusual good health     was  never  happier  than  when  she
                                                              had a company of these ladies at her
                     and  taken  an  active  part  in  church,
                                                              home sewing for some needy family
                     lodge  and  social  welfare  work  up
                     until the past two or three months.      or  helping  with  some  entertainment
                                                              to raise funds for charitable work.
                     She  was  born  June  17,  1841,  in
                                                              Old  timers  remember  Mrs.  Fisher
                     Beaver  Falls,  Pennsylvania,  and  was
                                                              best  as  her  husband’s  helper  and
                     married  May  26,  1860,  to  Herman
                     Fisher at Newcastle, Pennsylvania.       coworker in the little store they kept
                                                              for  many  years  in  the  building  on
                                                              Front Street. Her whole life was one
                     They  lived  in  the  East  until  1887,
                                                              of  activity  and  usefulness  and  the
                     when they came west and located in
                                                              passing  of  years  meant  nothing  to
                     Port Angeles with their family of four
                     sons.  Mr.  Fisher  took  up  a  ranch  at   her for her heat was always young.
                     Ennis  creek  and  also  tide  lands,
                                                              She  leaves  a  heritage  of  which  her
                     where later he built a little store on
                                                              family may well be proud – a life well
                     Front  Street  opposite  Mrs.  Phelps’
                     store.  He  also  took  up  a  homestead   spent, with service as her motto. She
                     on  Cherry  Hill,  on  the  corner  of   was  an  exemplary  citizen,  neighbor
                     Eighth  and  Oak  and  this  well-kept   and friend, and an ideal mother, wife
                                                              and  home  maker.  She  lived  in  the
                     home  is  a  monument  to  their
                                                              present,  not  the  past  and  kept  her
                     industry,  frugality  and  civic  pride.  It
                     has always been a place top point to     faculties  and  interest  in  everything
                     with  pride  for  its  well-kept  lawn,   around her until the last.

                     beautiful  flowers  and  wonderful
                                                              She leaves four sons: Elmer E., Frank
                     garden  and  orchard.  Though  Mrs.
                                                              P., and Mayor H.M. Fisher of this city,
                     Fisher has been a widow for the past
                     seven  years  she  has  kept  her  place   and Charles H. Fisher an attorney of
                     looking just the same, and passers-by    Elgin,   Illinois.   She   has   eight
                     will  miss  the  friendly  smile  and    grandchildren   and   five   great
                     cheery  greeting  she  always  had  for

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