Page 298 - Family History
P. 298


               Hendrickson, Harrison M.

                        Harrison M. Hendrickson               Harrison M. Hendrickson
                                                              (cont. …)
                     Harrison  M.  Hendrickson,  76,  long-
                     time Port Angeles resident, died Dec.    While  in  Port  Angeles  he  enjoyed
                     5  in  San  Diego,  Calif.,  following  a   hunting, fishing and playing his violin
                     short illness.                           for family gatherings.

                     Funeral  services  will  be  1  p.m.     Survivors  include  his  wife  Girsel,  a
                     Thursday  at  Harpers’  Funeral  Home.   son  Stanley  Hendrickson  of  Port
                     Elder   Norman   Olson   of   the        Angeles  and  a  daughter,  Mrs.  Alta
                     Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of    Millsap of San Diego.
                     Latter Day Saints will officiate. Burial
                     will  follow  in  the  Mt.  Angeles      Two  brothers,  George  of  Idaho  Falls
                     Cemetery.                                and William of Hagerman also survive
                                                              as do five grandchildren.
                     Mr. Hendrickson was born March 16,
                     1888  in  Iowa.  He  came  to  Port
                     Angeles  from  Grandview,  Wash.,  in    Source:  The  Port  Angeles  Evening
                     1923, living here until 1962.            News, September 16, 1929

                     He was employed by Fibreboard as a
                     crane  operator  from  1023  until  his
                     retirement  in  1953.  Prior  to  Port
                     Angeles  he  lived  for  three  years  in
                     Grandview, moving there from Idaho
                     where he attended schools,  living in
                     Hagerman and Felt.

                     He was a member of the Port Angeles
                     branch of the Goldenagers. Following
                     retirement  Mr.  Hendrickson  and  his
                     wife  moved  to  Florida  for  a  few
                     months  and  then  to  Independence,
                     Mo., for a year and a half.

                     Mrs.  Hendrickson  is  now  in  Mesa,
                     Ariz.,  for  health  reasons  and  Mr.
                     Hendrickson was with his daughter in
                     San Diego at the time of his death.

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