Page 296 - Family History
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               Goeldi, Joyce E.

                     Joyce E Goeldi                           Joyce E. Goeldi (cont. …)
                     Chilton, WI
                                                              Survivors  include  her  son:  Jeffrey
                     Joyce  E.  Goeldi,  age  82,  of  Chilton,   (Debora)  Goeldi  of  Racine  MN;  3
                     died on Sunday, June 3, 2018 at the      grandchildren:  Michael  (Shannon)
                     Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.     Goeldi  of  McFarland  WI,  Nathaniel
                     She  was  born  November  21,  1935,     (Shannon)  Goeldi  of  Grand  Meadow
                     daughter  of  the  late  Henry  &        MN  &  Jacob  Goeldi  of  Orlando  FL;
                     Katherine (Schmidt) Fromm.               and a brother: Roger (Rosalie) Fromm
                                                              of  New  Holstein  WI.  She  is  further
                     Joyce  began  her  working  career       survived by nieces, nephews, cousins,
                     driving  the  rides  for  a  traveling   other relatives and friends.
                     carnival before transitioning to being
                     a telephone operator. She was also a     She  was  preceded  in  death  by  her
                     bartender  who  worked  for  several     husband:  George;  her  parents;  her
                     establishments  throughout  the  area    mother-in-law   and   father-in-law:
                     and was well known for her German        George & Hedwig Goeldi; 4 brothers;
                     Potato  Salad  that  was  served  at     4 sisters; and 4 nephews.
                     numerous  graduations  and  wedding
                     receptions  over  the  years.  Joyce  did   Funeral service will be at 5:30 pm on
                     daycare  for  many  children  over  the   Tuesday,  June  12,  2018  at  Ebenezer
                     years,  and  is  considered  family  by   UCC  (44  W.  Washington)  in  Chilton
                     many she helped raise.                   with  Rev.  Michael  Safford-Kennedy
                                                              officiating.    Burial  will  be  in  the
                     She  was  a  member  of  Ebenezer        Hillside Cemetery in
                     United  Church  of  Christ  in  Chilton
                     where  she  participated  in  the        Chilton.  Friends  may  call  at  the
                     Chancel  Choir  and  the  bell  choir.   church  from  3:30  pm  until  5:15  pm
                     Joyce  remembered  fondly  the  trip     on Tuesday, June 12, 2018.
                     the bell choir took to England where
                     they  were  able  to  share  God’s  love
                     through their music.

                     Joyce  appreciated  life  at  every  turn
                     and  cherished  the  many  memories
                     that  she  and  George  made  together
                     throughout their years.

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