Page 290 - Family History
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               Fisher, Herman

                          PIONEER PASSED                      Herman Fisher (cont. …)
                         PEACEFULLY AWAY
                                                              the Christian Science church and was
                         Last Summons Came to                 largely attended by the many friends
                            “Grandpa Fisher”                  of the family who wished to pay their
                                                              last  respects  to  one  of  the  earliest
                         While Sitting at Home
                                                              pioneers  of  Clallam  county,  and  a
                           Talking to His Wife.               man who had many friends and few
                                 ______                       enemies.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fisher  came
                                                              to Port Angeles May 2nd, 1887, and
                          This community was shocked early    have made it their home ever since.
                     Tuesday  afternoon  to  hear  that  Mr.   They took up a homestead out near
                     Herman Fisher, or Grandpa Fisher, as     Mount  Pleasant,  and  later  at  Lake
                     he was affectionately called by young    Sutherland.
                     and old, had passed away without a
                     moment’s  warning  at  his  home  on     Mr.  Fisher  retired  from  business  life
                     the  corner  of  Seventh  and  Oak.  He   less  than  a  year  ago,  having  kept  a
                     was downtown in the morning to the       racket  or  notion  store  on  Front
                     fire and at the noon hour went to his    street.  During  the  boom  a  few
                     son’s drug store to remain while the     months  ago  he  sold  his  store
                     clerk went to lunch as E. E. Fisher was   property at a good price and retired
                     up  sound.  He  seemed  to  be  feeling   to enjoy a well-earned rest. He spent
                     well and walked home and while his       most  of  his  time  working  in  their
                     wife prepared luncheon was relating      beautiful garden which is one of the
                     some of  the funny little incidents of   best  kept  in  town  and  the  envy  of
                     the fire when all at once he dropped     many passer-by.
                     over  dead.  Coming  so  suddenly,  it
                     was a dreadful shock to his wife and     The sympathy of the community goes
                     family. Tho’ he had looked very frail    out  to  the  widow  in  her  loneliness
                     for  the  past  few  years,  he  seemed   and sorrow after 53 years of married
                     this fall to have been holding his own   life.  The  surviving  children  are  E.  E.
                     unusually well for a man of his years.   Fisher,  Frank  P.  Fisher  and  H.  M.
                                                              Fisher  of  Port  Angeles,  and  Chas.  H.
                     Mr.  Fisher  was  born  in  Baltimore  in   Fisher of Elgin, Illinois.
                     1837.  He  was  married  at  New  Port,
                     Pennsylvania,  May  21,  1860,  and  is
                     survived by his wife and four sons, all   Source:  Olympic  Leader,  November
                     but  one  of  whom  are  residents  of   28, 1913.
                     Port  Angeles.  The  funeral  was  held
                     Thursday morning at 10 o’clock, from

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