Page 304 - Family History
P. 304


               Lindstrom, Helen B.

                                                              Helen B. Lindstrom (cont. …)

                                                              Helen   graduated   from   Jackson
                                                              College (Tufts). Her first position was
                                                              with the president’s office at Boston
                                                              University.  In  her  free  time,  she
                                                              enjoyed theater and traveling. Later,
                                                              her   childhood   love   of   skiing
                                                              prompted her [to] join a ski club, the
                                                              Hickory   Hawks,   in   Melrose,
                         Helen B. Lindstrom, 96               Massachusetts. It was later when Bob
                                                              Lindstrom  joined  the  club  that  she
                     HOLDERNESS  –  Helen  B.  Lindstrom,     met the man who would become her
                     96,  formerly  of  Holderness,  passed   husband.  They  married  June  27,
                     away  quietly  at  the  Ledges  in  the   1964.  They  lived  in  Gloucester  and
                     Taylor  Community  in  Laconia  on       later  Reading,  Massachusetts.  They
                     March  17,  2018.  She  was  born  on    retired  and  moved  to  Holderness,
                     Nov.   15,   1921,   in   Everett,       when  Helen  revived  her  love  of
                     Massachusetts,  to  Roswell  Backman     gardening  with  a  wildflower  garden.
                     and Elizabeth (Totten) Backman. She      They  both  enjoyed  skiing  with  the
                     is  survived  by  her  husband,  Robert   Silver Streaks at Waterville Valley.
                     Lindstrom.  She  was  preceded  in
                     death  by  her  parents;  her  brother,   Helen  will  be  remembered  by  her
                     Everett  Backman,  a  Navy  pilot  killed   friends,  new  and  old,  as  a  person
                     in  action  during  World  War  II;  and   who  was  ready  to  laugh  and  enjoy
                     her  sister-in-law  June  Bachman  sic.   the  moment.  She  maintained  her
                     [Poulsen],  who  also  recently  passed   good  nature  even  as  she  lost  her
                     away.                                    sight to macular degeneration.

                     Helen  and  her  sister-in-law,  June,   In  lieu  of  flowers  please  send
                     maintained a long, close relationship    memorial  contributions  to  Future  In
                     and died within days of one another.     sight,   the   New    Hampshire
                     June’s  children,  Steve,  Mark,  and    Association  for  the  Blind,  25  Walker
                     Janelle  Poulsen  though  living  a      St., Concord NH 03301.
                     continent away, continued close ties
                     with  Helen  and  Bob.  Helen  is  also   A  memorial  service  will  be  held  on
                     survived  by  nieces  Elaine  Belanger   April  6  at  11  a.m.  at  the  Starr  King
                     and  Ruth  Leth-Steensed  who  have      Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 101
                     remained  close  over  the  years        Fairgrounds Road in Plymouth.
                     enjoying  a  warm  relationship  with

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