Page 306 - Family History
P. 306
Paulsen, Bertel
Bertel Paulsen Dies Saturday Bertel Paulsen (cont. …)
At Age of 85
(Native of Denmark and acquaintance throughout the
resident of Titusville for nearly
fifty years) Besides his wife, Mrs. Lenna Paulsen,
he leaves the following children:
[Note: Bertel (brother of Niels) Victor H. Paulsen of Lakewood, O.;
changed his name from Poulsen to Mrs. A.W. Mead of Owego, N.Y.; Mrs.
Paulsen.] Myra Motzer of Titusville; Mrs. W.
Paul Thompson of Beaver and Walter
Bertel Paulsen, aged 85 years, passed T. Paulsen of Erie. There are nine
away at his home, 315 West Oak grandchildren and two great-
street, at 1:05 p.m. Saturday. He had grandchildren.
been failing for several years, but was
seriously ill only about two months. The body was taken from the
Petersen funeral home to the family
Mr. Paulsen was born in Aalborg, residence, where services will be
Denmark, on January 25, 1857, and conducted this afternoon at 2:30
grew to manhood there. He came to o’clock. Rev. Edwin S. Carlon, pastor
America in 1876 and first settled in of Emanuel Lutheran Church, will
Warren, where he remained several officiate and interment will be in
years. He later resided for some time Woodlawn.
in Center Hall, PA. He came to
Titusville in 1898 and lived here ever FUNERALS
since. Bertel Paulsen
Soon after coming to Titusville, Mr. Services in memory of Bertel Paulsen
Paulsen stated a handle factory, were conducted at 2:30 p.m.
which he operated more than forty yesterday at the family home, 315
years. He made handles for all kinds West Oak street. Rev. Edwin S. Carlon
of tools and his business extended of Emanuel Lutheran church
throughout this region. Mr. Paulsen officiated and interment was in
was one of the early bicycle riders of Woodlawn. The following were pall-
the city and continued to ride his bearers: David Z. Kerr, Fred Gasche,
wheel between his home and his Domer Bailey, J.H. Wiborg, W.F.
factory on St. John street until late Schiewe and Louis D. Foots.
the past summer.
Mr. Paulsen was interested chiefly in
his home, his business and his
hobbies, although he enjoyed a large