Page 309 - Family History
P. 309


               Poulsen, Donald Niels

                                                              Donald Niels Poulsen (cont. …)

                                                              Bellingham, WA; Stephen Poulsen of
                                                              Vancouver, WA; and daughter Janelle
                                                              Poulsen  of  Vancouver,  WA;  three
                                                              grandchildren,  David  Backman  Jr.,
                                                              Christopher  Backman  and  Sarah
                                                              Poulsen;   and    three   great-
                                                              grandchildren,  C.J.  Backman,  Jacob
                                                              Backman  and  Brooke  Backman.  Don
                                                              was preceded in death by his brother
                                                              Paul  Elmer  “Bud”  Poulsen  of
                         DONALD NIELS POULSEN                 Bainbridge Island, WA.
                      October 20, 1920 – July 30, 2009
                                                              Don  was  an  enthusiastic  golfer.  He
                     Donald  Niels  Poulsen  of  Vancouver,   was  a  Life  Member  of  the  B.P.O.E.
                                                              Elks Club of Port Angeles and also a
                     WA passed away on July 30, 2009. He
                     was  88.  He  was  born  October  20,    Life Master in the American Contract
                     1920 in Port Angeles, WA to Athelene     Bridge League. Don and June traveled
                     Augusta  (Fisher)  and  Paul  Thomas     extensively  visiting  Europe,  Russia,
                     Poulsen.  He  attended  school  in  Port   China,  Africa  and  more.  They  were
                                                              members  of  Columbia  Presbyterian
                     Angeles, WA and went on to college
                     at  Washington  State  University        Church in Vancouver, WA.
                     graduating  in  1944  with  a  degree  in
                     Civil  Engineering.  His  first  job  was   A  memorial  service  will  be  held  at
                     working  for  Boeing  on  an  airplane   Evergreen  Memorial  Gardens  in
                                                              Vancouver  on  Thursday  August  6,
                     wing section in Seattle, WA. Later he
                     started  working  in  the  pulp  and     2009 at 10 a.m. In lieu of flowers the
                     paper   industry   beginning   with      family asks you to make donations to
                     Rayonier  Inc.  in  Port  Angeles  and   The  Children’s  Orthopedic  Hospital
                     then  in  1959  with  Crown  Zellerbach   Foundation,  P.O.  Box  C5371  Seattle,
                                                              WA 98105-0371.
                     Corp. working at pulp and paper mills
                     throughout the US and Canada until
                     he retired in 1982.
                                                              Source: The Columbian, Aug. 4, 2009.
                     Don  married  June  Louise  (Stanley)
                     Backman  on  February  2,  1947.  They
                     recently   celebrated   their   62nd
                     wedding  anniversary.  They  had  four
                     children  -  sons,  David  Backman  of
                     Port Townsend, WA; Mark Poulsen of

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