Page 312 - Family History
P. 312


               Poulsen, Niels

                                                              Niels Poulsen (cont. …)
                              Niels Poulsen
                                                              [Note: There are a few errors in this
                     Funeral services were held in Round      obituary.  The  name  “Neils”  is
                     Hill  on  Monday  afternoon  for  Niels   incorrectly  spelled;  the  obituary
                     Poulsen,  85,  retired  business  man    incorrectly  has  Niels  with  a  middle
                     who died Saturday night from a heart     initial  “R”.  In  both  instances  it  has
                     attack  following  a  short  illness.  Mr.   been  crossed  out  on  the  copy
                     Poulsen  was  a  native  of  Aalborg,    presumably by someone in the know.
                     Denmark. He came to America when         It  should  be  noted  that  Niels’s  son,
                     about  18  years  of  age  and  greater   Niels  Jr.  does  (correctly)  have  the
                     part of his life was spent in Round Hill   middle  initial  “R”.  Finally,  Niels’
                     where  he  owned  and  operated  a       brother  is  usually  referred  to  as
                     spoke  and  handle  factory  until  his   “Bertel” not “Bertrel”. These changes
                     retirement a number of years ago. He     have been made in this file.]
                     had been a Mason for about 50 years
                     serving  as  worshipful  Master  and  in
                     other offices of Thompson Lodge.         Source: Newspaper clipping.

                     Surviving  him  are  three  daughters,
                     Mrs.  Maud  Lynch,  with  whom  he
                     made  his  home,  Mrs.  W.M.  Moatz,
                     Round  Hill,  Mrs.  William  Riley  of
                     Alexandria; five sons, Paul and N. R.
                     Jr.  of  Washington  State,  Hubert  of
                     Alexandria, Ross of Pennsylvania and
                     Luther of Round Hill; a brother Bertel
                     Poulsen   of   Pennsylvania,   16
                     grandchildren  and  three  great-

                     Funeral  services  were  in  charge  of
                     Rev.  Walter  Smith  and  Thompson’s
                     Lodge.  A.F.A.  &  A.M.  Interment  was
                     made  in  the  Hamilton  Cemetery.
                     Brother Masons acted as pallbearers
                     and  –  Tarlton  Osburn,  E.L.  James,
                     Thaddeus  Gill,  J.S.  Patterson,  Ebbie
                     Campher and R.W. Davis.

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